Is it better to lose 2lbs a day or 2lbs a week?
Yes it’s very possible that you can lose 60lbs in 30 days but I don’t think you would want to and here’s the reason why:
Let’s say you do lose 60lbs in 30 days… how much of that weight you lose do you think is going to be pure body fat? Remember-- body fat makes us look ugly.
Anytime you try to lose more than 2lbs a week or 60lbs in 30 days (2lbs a day!)…A larger part of the weight you lose is only going to be water and muscle. Losing a lot of water and muscle weight does nothing to improve your looks and it slows down your metabolism
Slow metabolism = easier weight gain
Every time you see a weight loss ad that’s too good to be true…the ad is basically saying “Hey you can lose 60lbs in 30 days but some of that weight you lose is going to be water and muscle weight”
Whenever you are trying to lose weight (body fat) for good and look your very best you definitely do not want to lose any muscle. Every time you lose muscle your metabolism slows down. A slower metabolism makes it easier for you to gain weight
As a matter of fact you may be one of those people who gain weight just by looking at food. The reason for your easy weight gain is that you probably don’t have that much muscle to begin with and when you try to lose 60lbs overnight you are only going to lose more muscle making it very easy for to gain all the weight back you just lost!
The more muscle you have the better you look. Even if you had two people of the same height & weight but both had different amounts of muscle in their bodies--the person who has the most muscle will always look better.
Are the outrageous claims that the weight loss ads make true? Can you lose 60lbs in 30 days or 10lbs overnight? The answer isn’t No but a big Maybe.
But if you do happen to lose 60lbs in 30 days you’re only going to look worse (because of the muscle you lose) and you’re going to gain it all back quicker than you lost it (because you’re metabolism is slower now that you lost muscle)
What if you have to lose 10lbs in one week to pass a physical exam? In this case you may have no choice but to go on “Dr. whoever’s rice cake diet” to lose 10lbs in a week. All you’re looking for in that situation is a quick fix to your weight loss problem.
But if you want to lose weight for good, look your best, & keep your metabolism burning at a steady rate… You got to lose weight at a much slower rate.
You want to try to lose no more than 2lbs a week or 3lbs at the most when you want to lose weight permanently. Usually when you lose anything over 2lbs a week you are only losing water and muscle weight which again has no effect on long-term weight loss or significantly improving the way you look.
Losing 2lbs a week is a lot simpler than trying to lose 10lbs a week. One of the things you can do to start losing 2lbs a week is to substitute higher calorie foods you eat with lower calorie foods.
For example a simple trick that I have most of my clients do is to replace all the sodas and juices they drink with water. The drinking water trick is taken very lightly by a lot of people---but many of my clients tell me that they see a difference in their weight after drinking only water for a couple of weeks.
The other thing you can do is to increase your daily physically activity. This doesn’t mean that you have to start signing up for marathons regularly. To gradually increase your physical activity you can--
* Park in the back of parking lots so you have to walk more to your destination
* You can take the stairs instead of the elevator—it doesn’t have to be all the flights…walk some flights and take the elevator the rest of the way.
* Play golf or play with your kids everyday
The point is to just do something…It doesn’t have to a lot at first but after about a couple weeks start to take 20-30minitue walks in the park or ride a bicycle everyday.
Long-term weight loss doesn’t happen in 60 days or overnight… it happens in the Long-term. Just remember that the next time you see a weight loss ad that promises you unbelievable results.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
4 Keys to Weight Loss
First off, let me start by saying this list is by no means exhaustive. However, if you can manage these 4 important components of a weight loss program, you will be on your way to a slimmer body.
Build the Foundation
Many people begin a weight loss program with their basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the amount of energy (calories) your body uses in a resting state, in the gutter. The key then is to increase your BMR so that you are burning more calories throughout the day, every day. Increase the amount of calories you burn, increase the amount of fat you lose. Makes sense, yes? The best way to increase your BMR is through adding muscle tissue. Females often shudder at the idea of adding muscle due to their fear of becoming “bulky.” Relax babe! It’s a little harder to add that kind of muscle mass than you think. Besides, a little muscle mass goes a long way toward achieving a leaner body. And this is what you want, right?
Specificity of Program
Not just any exercise program will do for weight loss. Simply burning calories is not good enough. The program must be designed to elicit specific hormonal responses that are conducive to weight loss. I’ll give you a hint…hours and hours of cardio is NOT the answer!
This one pretty much speaks for itself. Have you ever achieved anything great with an inconsistent effort? Unless you consider failure a great achievement, you probably haven’t. You must exercise consistently to get the results you want! It amazes me how many people put so little effort into their exercise program and complain about not seeing results. Even the most well designed programs are useless if they are not adhered to on a consistent basis.
Again, this one goes without saying. You can’t expect to achieve a leaner body by continuing your unhealthy eating habits. This isn’t to say that you should drop everything in your diet immediately and exchange it for “healthy” food. You would end up miserable and revert back to your old habits within a month. Instead, practice moderation and don’t overindulge. Also, phase certain unhealthy foods out of your diet while introducing healthier foods. The transition will be easier to make and a lot easier to maintain.
5 Simple Steps to Start Your Weight Loss Program
Remember there’s more to you than meets the eye. You’ve got personality, brains, feelings… in short, all those things that make you, YOU. So why diet? After all, you’re more than just a body, and things that really matter can’t be measured on a scale.
That said, there are some very good sound reasons for dieting. After all, dieting is not just for weight loss or weight gain. No, the true meaning of ‘diet’ is in choosing foods and setting eating habits that will keep you healthy, strong, and feeling your best. It takes planning and dedication. It means setting goals and following through. But it doesn’t have to be a chore. No, with the right tools it can even be fun … especially when you start to see the results that you’re looking for!
Before, choosing a diet, there are five extremely simple Steps, which if you really apply you will probably end up losing weight without even trying! Doesn’t that sound interesting. Really No kidding … try the following:
Step 1) Always sit down when you eat, preferable at a table. Don’t eat while standing, walking, driving or talking on the phone.
Step 2) Don’t read or watch television while you eat.
Step 3) Eat only when your stomach is empty. At least 3 to 4 hours from your last meal.
Step 4) Don’t take a bite until you’ve already swallowed the previous bite. Obvious? Try observing people and you’ll see them stuffing their mouths, which are still full. They probably talk at the same time! So, bite, chew, swallow, bite, chew, swallow.
Step 5) Don’t eat when you’re not hungry. No, I’m being serious and I know that this sounds stupid. For example when at home wait 5 minutes before taking second helpings. If you wait, you’ll probably find that you’re no longer hungry, whereas if you don’t wait you could probably eat thirds! Remember … Wait five minutes before taking more.
A good diet doesn’t end when you finally reach your target goal. Maintaining good nutrition, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle is a continuing process. Only this will give you the energy to face the challenges of your busy day, boost your self-image, and make you look and feel better.
And there’s no feeling like the satisfaction when you achieve your goals by sticking to a sensible, healthy, diet plan.
Besides, where would we be without food? Changing your diet to prevent or reverse heart disease, reduce your blood pressure, or to get the better of your diabetes and, naturally to reach your desired weight, is not just a matter of cutting out butter and eggs and counting the amount of fat grams you eat each day. For instance, most Americans get close to 40% of their calories from fat! This is twice the recommended amount if you already suffer from heart disease.
There are many misconceptions and confusion concerning fat these days, some seem to make sense, others are just plain dumb! Remember, concerning fat, several things are now known for sure. It is known that most of us eat too much fat and that obesity is a major health concern, increasing the risk for heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, back pain and cancer. It is also known that saturated fat, more than anything else, is responsible for increasing our cholesterol levels.
I know it’s weird, but it’s been found, ironically, that when people focus exclusively on eliminating cholesterol from their daily diet they may unknowingly move on to a diet high in saturated fats! Some people decide to become vegetarian, leaving out meat and eggs, but the salad dressings, nuts and peanut butter, for instance, do more damage than a lean steak! Message: be careful what you eat, you may be surprised.
That said, there are some very good sound reasons for dieting. After all, dieting is not just for weight loss or weight gain. No, the true meaning of ‘diet’ is in choosing foods and setting eating habits that will keep you healthy, strong, and feeling your best. It takes planning and dedication. It means setting goals and following through. But it doesn’t have to be a chore. No, with the right tools it can even be fun … especially when you start to see the results that you’re looking for!
Before, choosing a diet, there are five extremely simple Steps, which if you really apply you will probably end up losing weight without even trying! Doesn’t that sound interesting. Really No kidding … try the following:
Step 1) Always sit down when you eat, preferable at a table. Don’t eat while standing, walking, driving or talking on the phone.
Step 2) Don’t read or watch television while you eat.
Step 3) Eat only when your stomach is empty. At least 3 to 4 hours from your last meal.
Step 4) Don’t take a bite until you’ve already swallowed the previous bite. Obvious? Try observing people and you’ll see them stuffing their mouths, which are still full. They probably talk at the same time! So, bite, chew, swallow, bite, chew, swallow.
Step 5) Don’t eat when you’re not hungry. No, I’m being serious and I know that this sounds stupid. For example when at home wait 5 minutes before taking second helpings. If you wait, you’ll probably find that you’re no longer hungry, whereas if you don’t wait you could probably eat thirds! Remember … Wait five minutes before taking more.
A good diet doesn’t end when you finally reach your target goal. Maintaining good nutrition, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle is a continuing process. Only this will give you the energy to face the challenges of your busy day, boost your self-image, and make you look and feel better.
And there’s no feeling like the satisfaction when you achieve your goals by sticking to a sensible, healthy, diet plan.
Besides, where would we be without food? Changing your diet to prevent or reverse heart disease, reduce your blood pressure, or to get the better of your diabetes and, naturally to reach your desired weight, is not just a matter of cutting out butter and eggs and counting the amount of fat grams you eat each day. For instance, most Americans get close to 40% of their calories from fat! This is twice the recommended amount if you already suffer from heart disease.
There are many misconceptions and confusion concerning fat these days, some seem to make sense, others are just plain dumb! Remember, concerning fat, several things are now known for sure. It is known that most of us eat too much fat and that obesity is a major health concern, increasing the risk for heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, back pain and cancer. It is also known that saturated fat, more than anything else, is responsible for increasing our cholesterol levels.
I know it’s weird, but it’s been found, ironically, that when people focus exclusively on eliminating cholesterol from their daily diet they may unknowingly move on to a diet high in saturated fats! Some people decide to become vegetarian, leaving out meat and eggs, but the salad dressings, nuts and peanut butter, for instance, do more damage than a lean steak! Message: be careful what you eat, you may be surprised.
5 Steps to Start Your Weight Loss Program
Remember there’s more to you than meets the eye. You’ve got personality, brains, feelings… in short, all those things that make you, YOU. So why diet? After all, you’re more than just a body, and things that really matter can’t be measured on a scale.
That said, there are some very good sound reasons for dieting. After all, dieting is not just for weight loss or weight gain. No, the true meaning of ‘diet’ is in choosing foods and setting eating habits that will keep you healthy, strong, and feeling your best. It takes planning and dedication. It means setting goals and following through. But it doesn’t have to be a chore. No, with the right tools it can even be fun … especially when you start to see the results that you’re looking for!
Before, choosing a diet, there are five extremely simple Steps, which if you really apply you will probably end up losing weight without even trying! Doesn’t that sound interesting. Really No kidding … try the following:
Step 1) Always sit down when you eat, preferable at a table. Don’t eat while standing, walking, driving or talking on the phone.
Step 2) Don’t read or watch television while you eat.
Step 3) Eat only when your stomach is empty. At least 3 to 4 hours from your last meal.
Step 4) Don’t take a bite until you’ve already swallowed the previous bite. Obvious? Try observing people and you’ll see them stuffing their mouths, which are still full. They probably talk at the same time! So, bite, chew, swallow, bite, chew, swallow.
Step 5) Don’t eat when you’re not hungry. No, I’m being serious and I know that this sounds stupid. For example when at home wait 5 minutes before taking second helpings. If you wait, you’ll probably find that you’re no longer hungry, whereas if you don’t wait you could probably eat thirds! Remember … Wait five minutes before taking more.
A good diet doesn’t end when you finally reach your target goal. Maintaining good nutrition, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle is a continuing process. Only this will give you the energy to face the challenges of your busy day, boost your self-image, and make you look and feel better.
And there’s no feeling like the satisfaction when you achieve your goals by sticking to a sensible, healthy, diet plan.
Besides, where would we be without food? Changing your diet to prevent or reverse heart disease, reduce your blood pressure, or to get the better of your diabetes and, naturally to reach your desired weight, is not just a matter of cutting out butter and eggs and counting the amount of fat grams you eat each day. For instance, most Americans get close to 40% of their calories from fat! This is twice the recommended amount if you already suffer from heart disease.
There are many misconceptions and confusion concerning fat these days, some seem to make sense, others are just plain dumb! Remember, concerning fat, several things are now known for sure. It is known that most of us eat too much fat and that obesity is a major health concern, increasing the risk for heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, back pain and cancer. It is also known that saturated fat, more than anything else, is responsible for increasing our cholesterol levels.
I know it’s weird, but it’s been found, ironically, that when people focus exclusively on eliminating cholesterol from their daily diet they may unknowingly move on to a diet high in saturated fats! Some people decide to become vegetarian, leaving out meat and eggs, but the salad dressings, nuts and peanut butter, for instance, do more damage than a lean steak! Message: be careful what you eat, you may be surprised.
That said, there are some very good sound reasons for dieting. After all, dieting is not just for weight loss or weight gain. No, the true meaning of ‘diet’ is in choosing foods and setting eating habits that will keep you healthy, strong, and feeling your best. It takes planning and dedication. It means setting goals and following through. But it doesn’t have to be a chore. No, with the right tools it can even be fun … especially when you start to see the results that you’re looking for!
Before, choosing a diet, there are five extremely simple Steps, which if you really apply you will probably end up losing weight without even trying! Doesn’t that sound interesting. Really No kidding … try the following:
Step 1) Always sit down when you eat, preferable at a table. Don’t eat while standing, walking, driving or talking on the phone.
Step 2) Don’t read or watch television while you eat.
Step 3) Eat only when your stomach is empty. At least 3 to 4 hours from your last meal.
Step 4) Don’t take a bite until you’ve already swallowed the previous bite. Obvious? Try observing people and you’ll see them stuffing their mouths, which are still full. They probably talk at the same time! So, bite, chew, swallow, bite, chew, swallow.
Step 5) Don’t eat when you’re not hungry. No, I’m being serious and I know that this sounds stupid. For example when at home wait 5 minutes before taking second helpings. If you wait, you’ll probably find that you’re no longer hungry, whereas if you don’t wait you could probably eat thirds! Remember … Wait five minutes before taking more.
A good diet doesn’t end when you finally reach your target goal. Maintaining good nutrition, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle is a continuing process. Only this will give you the energy to face the challenges of your busy day, boost your self-image, and make you look and feel better.
And there’s no feeling like the satisfaction when you achieve your goals by sticking to a sensible, healthy, diet plan.
Besides, where would we be without food? Changing your diet to prevent or reverse heart disease, reduce your blood pressure, or to get the better of your diabetes and, naturally to reach your desired weight, is not just a matter of cutting out butter and eggs and counting the amount of fat grams you eat each day. For instance, most Americans get close to 40% of their calories from fat! This is twice the recommended amount if you already suffer from heart disease.
There are many misconceptions and confusion concerning fat these days, some seem to make sense, others are just plain dumb! Remember, concerning fat, several things are now known for sure. It is known that most of us eat too much fat and that obesity is a major health concern, increasing the risk for heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, back pain and cancer. It is also known that saturated fat, more than anything else, is responsible for increasing our cholesterol levels.
I know it’s weird, but it’s been found, ironically, that when people focus exclusively on eliminating cholesterol from their daily diet they may unknowingly move on to a diet high in saturated fats! Some people decide to become vegetarian, leaving out meat and eggs, but the salad dressings, nuts and peanut butter, for instance, do more damage than a lean steak! Message: be careful what you eat, you may be surprised.
6 Simple Steps To LifeLong Weight Loss
If You are sick of losing the same weight over and over, and feeling like a failure because your last "diet" didn't work, try these tips to not only lose weight, but lose it for good. I have watched hundreds of clients over the years and almost without exception, those that lose their weight once and for all have these six basic habits as a part of their lives.
1. Keep a food diary
For at least five days and up to a week, keep a pen and paper handy and write down everything you eat, how much, where and when you ate it and who you ate with. try to write it down as you eat it. Most people find that when they try to remember everything at the end of the day, they leave something out. I have also had clients tell me that they didn't eat something because they knew they were going to have to write it down. Be completely honest with yourself. You don’t need to show anyone the results, but most will be very surprised by them. Particular environments and people can often trigger certain eating behaviors that are redily apparent when you use a food log. free fitness journal/food log.
2. Don’t eat too little
Very low calorie diets will, in the short term, help you lose weight but they’re extremely difficult to maintain. You’ll gradually become tired and irritable, lack the energy to exercise, and people won’t want to eat with you because the long list of ‘taboo’ foods renders restaurant menus, and even family meals at home, unsuitable for your overly strict diet. For a more detailed description of the effects of low calorie diets click here.
3. Neither feast nor fast - They weren't kidding when they said "breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Studies show that those who skip the first meal, end up eating more total calories throughout the day and tend to make less healthy choices. Try to eat at least 3 meals a day. Optimally you should spread your calories throughout 6 small meals per day. This will keep your metabolism bustling and yuor blood sugar level even to help avoid binging.
4. Freshness Counts - The packaging and processing generally found in "convenience" foods generally reduce the nutrient values of foods and substantially raise the caloric content. The American Dietetic Association recommends at least 3 - 5 servings from the fruit and vegetable group per day. no time to prepare "home made meals? Try preparing in bulk on the week ends to make healthy choices readily available. Cut up a large bowl of fresh fruit, (1c = 1 serving) or pre make a large bowl of salad or cut up veggies. I usually prepare a weeks worth of chicken or pork so i can quickly re heat it and add it to any recipe.
5. Hydrate your way to quicker weight loss
Drink water ahead of coffee, tea, or soft drinks. Including the ‘hidden’ water we consume in food, we need 64 oz. per day. More is recommended to counteract the dehydration caused by caffeinated beverages and intense exercise or excessive heat.
How much do we need to drink? In general you should be drinking enough water per day so that your urine is nearly clear.
6. Eat less, exercise more
The great thing about food diaries is they show you much where you can cut the number of "extra" (calories). Many people eat out of habit when they are not even hungry. you may also need to make dietary changes if you begin or increase the intensity of a fitness program.
I know, you are going to say, "I don't have time because ...(insert your favorite excuse here) Ask yourself this..."how much more energy will I have when I am not carrying around this extra _____ pounds? How many more things will I enjoy and feel god while doing when I am in a fit healthy body? Is it worth a few minutes a day to incorporate these simple habits into your day?
7 Pillars of Weight Loss: Get up and do something about your
Spring is here alas! It’s a time when everything is fresh and new. Flowers begin to bloom, love is in the air, and our thoughts turn toward shedding those unwanted winter pounds.
Short dark days have led to inactivity and the pounds have piled on. Hoards of beautiful bodies will be heading to Waikiki, Newport, Malibu, Santa Monica, Padre Island, and Pompano Beach. Will you be one of those headed for fun in the sun or will that winter fat keep you too embarrassed to show yourself in a bikini?
These words of wisdom are meant to encourage and help those who want to reduce ten or fifteen pounds and that little tummy pooch that was gained during the winter blahs.
Pay close attention and follow this advice and you will see results. The things I’m about to share with you aren’t just empty words. They are words of wisdom that require action on your part. Don’t just read these words and think "it’s good advice" and then forget about them. Get up and do something about it.
1. Lighten up on your salt intake. That doesn’t just mean to limit your use of the salt shaker at the table. It also means not to eat food with high salt content such as bacon, ham, cheese, chips, popcorn, corn nuts, etc.
2. Add yogurt, whey, or the dietary supplement Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) to your daily intake.
3. Drink water--lots of water!
4. Exercise--start walking and using that ab-doer you have stashed away in the closet. Do any exercise you want. The important point here is to start moving.
5. Limit your calories at snack time to no more than 200-250.
6. Don’t eat for four hours prior to going to bed. If you go to bed at midnight, then don’t eat after 8pm. Never go to bed feeling full!
7. Keep a journal. This isn’t the "write-down-everything-you-eat-journal." It should be a journal where you write your thoughts and feelings, successes and failures, weights and measurements. It’s your "everything-journal." You can record the foods you eat if you want, but that is not the sole purpose of this journal.
Look for future articles where there will be more detail about the aforementioned subjects. Salt intake, yogurt, water, calories, and journaling will be the topics of discussion.
Bette has been writing articles in the weight loss, diet, and nutrition arena for over twenty years. Her degree is in applied science with a major in Medical Assistant. She is a member in good standing of the (AAMA) American Association of Medical Assistants.
8 Proven Weight Loss Tips
There are a lot of “crash” diets out there that promise that you’ll drop a considerable amount of weight in days or a week.
I have tried a few of these, and in my experience the weight always comes back on, just as quickly since the weight loss tips given are not something that will work with your body.
One thing you don’t want to do if you are actually serious about losing weight is to follow these fad diets and their ridiculous weight loss tips.
After their ineffectiveness has been proven time and again, people will start to wise up to that particular diet, and will head off in search of a new craze.
Lets be honest, people are always searching for new weight loss tips because they want to lose pounds and they want immediate results, but this is just wishful thinking.
To lose weight permanently and effectively it will be a rather slow progress, all depending on your metabolic rate and how much you need to lose.
There are however some proven tried and true weight loss tips for aiding in the weight loss process, and I can make you familiar with them.
Weight Loss Tip 1
Don’t skip breakfast. Whatever you do follow this advice, because otherwise you are much more likely in fact prone to binge later in the day.
Weight Loss Tip 2
Don’t eat anything for at least an hour before going to bed.
Weight Loss Tip 3
Don’t snack while watching TV. It’s acceptable to eat a meal while watching television, but never is snacking at this time acceptable.
Weight Loss Tip 4
Substitute fruits like; bananas, watermelon, plums, peaches, and oranges for sugary treats like; cookies and candy.
Weight Loss Tip 5
Substitute honey for sugar, and carob powder for chocolate in all recipes. These taste just as good if not better when used properly.
Weight Loss Tip 6
Eat more vegetables. This can even be enjoyable if you have a good cookbook like Good housekeeping's latest edition.
Weight Loss Tip 7
Avoid unnecessary high calorie foods. Instead of a high calorie salad dressing for instance try cottage cheese or yogurt to improve the salads taste and peel off the pounds.
Weight Loss Tip 8
Exercise at least a half hour each day for five days out of the week. Biking on a stationery bike while reading is a great form of exercise to slim legs.
I have tried a few of these, and in my experience the weight always comes back on, just as quickly since the weight loss tips given are not something that will work with your body.
One thing you don’t want to do if you are actually serious about losing weight is to follow these fad diets and their ridiculous weight loss tips.
After their ineffectiveness has been proven time and again, people will start to wise up to that particular diet, and will head off in search of a new craze.
Lets be honest, people are always searching for new weight loss tips because they want to lose pounds and they want immediate results, but this is just wishful thinking.
To lose weight permanently and effectively it will be a rather slow progress, all depending on your metabolic rate and how much you need to lose.
There are however some proven tried and true weight loss tips for aiding in the weight loss process, and I can make you familiar with them.
Weight Loss Tip 1
Don’t skip breakfast. Whatever you do follow this advice, because otherwise you are much more likely in fact prone to binge later in the day.
Weight Loss Tip 2
Don’t eat anything for at least an hour before going to bed.
Weight Loss Tip 3
Don’t snack while watching TV. It’s acceptable to eat a meal while watching television, but never is snacking at this time acceptable.
Weight Loss Tip 4
Substitute fruits like; bananas, watermelon, plums, peaches, and oranges for sugary treats like; cookies and candy.
Weight Loss Tip 5
Substitute honey for sugar, and carob powder for chocolate in all recipes. These taste just as good if not better when used properly.
Weight Loss Tip 6
Eat more vegetables. This can even be enjoyable if you have a good cookbook like Good housekeeping's latest edition.
Weight Loss Tip 7
Avoid unnecessary high calorie foods. Instead of a high calorie salad dressing for instance try cottage cheese or yogurt to improve the salads taste and peel off the pounds.
Weight Loss Tip 8
Exercise at least a half hour each day for five days out of the week. Biking on a stationery bike while reading is a great form of exercise to slim legs.
A New Era in Fitness & Weight Loss
Fitness has evolved tremendously since the early days of round cement dumbbells and jump ropes. Now all the luxuries of home are provided for you in your workout experience, to help make it more convenient, enjoyable and have it feel less like, well, working out, as possible. Cardio machines now come equipped with numerous amenities, from personal televisions to fans. People now can seclude themselves from the rest of the world with head phones that connect to televisions’ as they workout. Strength equipment has also advanced with more user friendly resistance machines that provide every possible way in which to target a muscle.
Yes, our society has defiantly advanced, at least in terms of the equipment we use. However, some how, even with all of our technological advances we are still more over weight and obese than ever. Many people sit and wonder to themselves how could it be that movie stars can obtain and maintain such fit and beautiful bodies? They have access to much of the same technological advances as the rest of us do in our fitness centers and home equipment. After all, is it not about how much you do and not what you do? This is far from the truth; movie stars, models, performers, their just like you and me. They have cravings, they get too tired to workout and they have access to similar equipment. So again, how is it that with their hectic schedules, being constantly bombarded with rich foods, and being only human, that they can look so good, all the time! The answer is that they have access to something most people do not, a great personal trainer! I know what people will be thinking when they read this, “I can’t afford a personal trainer” or “I don’t have time to meet on a regular basis with someone.” Online personal training is the solution to much of the nations’ health problems.
Online personal training can provide people with the direction they need to help them reach their goals. They can do this with access to a certified personal trainer, but without the cost and time needed to acquire one. Online personal training is the New Era of the fitness industry and can get you where you need to be, on the fast track to a healthier more attractive body!
Here’s how it works. Participants obtain access to an online training website. From their, the participant selects the plan they prefer most (prices usually increase depending on the type of program selected). Once a program is selected, a simple questionnaire is required to be filled out to determine you current health status, preferences and future goals. You are then set up with you own login screen name and password that gives you access to your programs online. The trainer will send you your workout plan periodically through email and post it on your login access online. Participants can print out their workouts, which consist of a picture of each exercises start and finish positions, written directions on how to perform each exercise and the correct order to perform each one are all provided. How many sets and reps to perform are included as well. For more detailed explanation of an exercise, clients can even access their program online and watch a video of a model demonstrating each exercise start to finish properly.
Another great advantage to online training is that you have constant access to a personal trainer via email or phone, to ask questions about your program or any general health and fitness inquiries. The benefits seem endless, depending on the program one chooses, nutritional components are also supplied in different degrees. The nutrition component is based on your goals and eating habits. A licensed nutritionist supplies you with a daily meal plan and grocery list in which to choose healthy options based on your goals and health needs.
Yes, our society has defiantly advanced, at least in terms of the equipment we use. However, some how, even with all of our technological advances we are still more over weight and obese than ever. Many people sit and wonder to themselves how could it be that movie stars can obtain and maintain such fit and beautiful bodies? They have access to much of the same technological advances as the rest of us do in our fitness centers and home equipment. After all, is it not about how much you do and not what you do? This is far from the truth; movie stars, models, performers, their just like you and me. They have cravings, they get too tired to workout and they have access to similar equipment. So again, how is it that with their hectic schedules, being constantly bombarded with rich foods, and being only human, that they can look so good, all the time! The answer is that they have access to something most people do not, a great personal trainer! I know what people will be thinking when they read this, “I can’t afford a personal trainer” or “I don’t have time to meet on a regular basis with someone.” Online personal training is the solution to much of the nations’ health problems.
Online personal training can provide people with the direction they need to help them reach their goals. They can do this with access to a certified personal trainer, but without the cost and time needed to acquire one. Online personal training is the New Era of the fitness industry and can get you where you need to be, on the fast track to a healthier more attractive body!
Here’s how it works. Participants obtain access to an online training website. From their, the participant selects the plan they prefer most (prices usually increase depending on the type of program selected). Once a program is selected, a simple questionnaire is required to be filled out to determine you current health status, preferences and future goals. You are then set up with you own login screen name and password that gives you access to your programs online. The trainer will send you your workout plan periodically through email and post it on your login access online. Participants can print out their workouts, which consist of a picture of each exercises start and finish positions, written directions on how to perform each exercise and the correct order to perform each one are all provided. How many sets and reps to perform are included as well. For more detailed explanation of an exercise, clients can even access their program online and watch a video of a model demonstrating each exercise start to finish properly.
Another great advantage to online training is that you have constant access to a personal trainer via email or phone, to ask questions about your program or any general health and fitness inquiries. The benefits seem endless, depending on the program one chooses, nutritional components are also supplied in different degrees. The nutrition component is based on your goals and eating habits. A licensed nutritionist supplies you with a daily meal plan and grocery list in which to choose healthy options based on your goals and health needs.
A Weight Loss Secret
Some people have discovered a simple weight loss secret that can help keep you losing pounds even if you have a sweet tooth. Most diet plans allow sugar free desserts, and they can be a delicious way to keep you on track.
If you are a dieter who craves something sweet, these tasty treats might be your secret weapon to satisfy that sweet tooth and still stay on your weight loss program.
But if you think sugar free desserts are bland, boring or only for diabetics get ready to change your mind.
Sugar free desserts have come a long way in taste in the last few years. They are so good now you have to look at the packaging to believe you are actually eating a sugar free dessert. There's a multitude of different varieties, and many of them really do taste better than the sugar varieties.
Many followers of the Atkins Diet have discovered the secret of these incredible low-carb and sugar free taste treats. This allows them to stay on their diet plan without missing out on a delicious dessert.
In fact, for many dieters, having a dessert is the one thing that keeps them feeling more satisfied. If you feel satisfied you will stay on a diet plan longer and be more successful with weight loss.
But it's important to note that just because a dessert is sugar free doesn't mean it's calorie free. Even though these sugar free desserts are usually lower in calories, they still could sabotage a low calorie diet. Although many weight loss program allow them, check your diet plan to see what it says about these no sugar desserts before you eat them.
Another advantage of eating a sugar free dessert is it doesn't raise your blood sugar like desserts made with sugar. Keeping your blood sugar levels more level keeps your hunger down and is much better for your overall health. You are also less prone to diabetes which is at an all time high in America right now.
A lot people use sugar free desserts as part of their weight loss program. But many have switched to these no sugar taste treats, as a much healthier alternative.
So the next time you crave something sweet but still want to stay on your weight loss program, a sugar free dessert might be a perfect choice.
If you are a dieter who craves something sweet, these tasty treats might be your secret weapon to satisfy that sweet tooth and still stay on your weight loss program.
But if you think sugar free desserts are bland, boring or only for diabetics get ready to change your mind.
Sugar free desserts have come a long way in taste in the last few years. They are so good now you have to look at the packaging to believe you are actually eating a sugar free dessert. There's a multitude of different varieties, and many of them really do taste better than the sugar varieties.
Many followers of the Atkins Diet have discovered the secret of these incredible low-carb and sugar free taste treats. This allows them to stay on their diet plan without missing out on a delicious dessert.
In fact, for many dieters, having a dessert is the one thing that keeps them feeling more satisfied. If you feel satisfied you will stay on a diet plan longer and be more successful with weight loss.
But it's important to note that just because a dessert is sugar free doesn't mean it's calorie free. Even though these sugar free desserts are usually lower in calories, they still could sabotage a low calorie diet. Although many weight loss program allow them, check your diet plan to see what it says about these no sugar desserts before you eat them.
Another advantage of eating a sugar free dessert is it doesn't raise your blood sugar like desserts made with sugar. Keeping your blood sugar levels more level keeps your hunger down and is much better for your overall health. You are also less prone to diabetes which is at an all time high in America right now.
A lot people use sugar free desserts as part of their weight loss program. But many have switched to these no sugar taste treats, as a much healthier alternative.
So the next time you crave something sweet but still want to stay on your weight loss program, a sugar free dessert might be a perfect choice.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Will Your Plan Lead To Permanent Weight Loss? How To Tell
This article summarizes what a plan must have to be able to result in long-term weight loss. If a plan fails in any one of these, any weight loss will be short-term and the individual will experience "yo-yo dieting".
Several years ago, a colleague who had tried several weight loss plans, asked me to help her figure out why she wasn’t able to achieve permanent weight loss. After extensive research on how the body regulates weight and studying individuals who had succeeded in attaining long-term weigh loss, I concluded that there are four characteristics that a plan must have to result in long-term weight loss. If a plan fails in any one, it might create short-term weight loss but the pounds will come back and you will find yourself trying something else. At first glance, these factors might look straightforward and simple but I will present the science behind them and why they must be taken into account for you to succeed.
The four characteristics are:
1. The plan must avoid cravings 2. The plan must avoid hunger 3. The plan must call for increasing your activity level 4. It must be a plan you can live with for a long time
What are cravings? A craving is when your body pushes you to want a particular food ingredient. This can occur even when you are not hungry. When you finally give in and get the food, you almost always binge, that is, eat more than you would have if you did not have cravings for it.
What causes cravings? Your body needs 6 essential food ingredients to function properly. They are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins and water. If you deprive your body of any of this, it will create the sensation that will drive you to get it. The most easily identified example is when you deprive your body of water. You develop thirst. Thirst is the body craving for water.
Weight loss plans that tell you to cut out particular foods will always lead to cravings. It is this battle in your body to give it what it needs that creates conditions of discomfort and lead to most individuals ending the programs. There is an area of the brain that controls what and how much you eat and is responsible for creating cravings as a way for you to provide the body what it needs.
So, how do you avoid cravings? By eating all the required food ingredients. The key is that in all the food groups, there are “good” types and “not so good” types. You need to know the good types and eat only those. For example, with carbohydrates, the good types are the ones with low glycemic index (GI). GI is a measure of how fast a food increases the production of insulin. Insulin causes fat buildup. Simple sugars, potatoes and white bread are examples of high GI foods, while whole grains and vegetables have low GIs and therefore good for weight loss.
By understanding the concept of eating all the essential foods and dividing them into “good” and “not so good” foods, you will avoid cravings and overeating.
Next time we will discuss hunger and how successful plans avoid hunger.
Weight Loss Tips from a Trainer's Viewpoint
Here are 10 simple tips you can use for weight loss and fitness
1. Two quick and easy ways to cut extra calories from your diet yet still satisfy your sweet tooth: Drink Diet soda or Crytal Light and eat Sugar-Free Jello gelatin. These are two small changes you can make that will reduce calories but will not make you feel deprived.
2. To quote John Beecher, "Strength is a matter of the made-up mind." Is your mind made up that you are going to start and stick with a weight loss plan or is this going to be like other attempts where you give up at the first sign of failure?
3. Make changes in your diet gradually. The body doesn't like quick, shocking changes in anything. It's like going from a freezing room to a very hot room. We need time to gradually acclimate.
The same is true with changing our eating habits. First, if you eat junk food all the time, try to reduce it to a couple days, then to just one day. Gradual reductions are more long lasting.
4. One reason people overeat is because they are overstressed. Getting rid of tension in a positive way will help keep you from eating because of increased tension and stress.
Take a walk, participate in a yoga class, hit the punching bag, lift some weights. Find a way to relieve some tension and you may find you also relieve your appetite.
5. Stay away from products or services that sound too good to be true. The health and fitness industry is a 40 billion dollar a year industry and many companies that are selling bogus products are thriving.
They target people's emotions by luring them into believe that by taking their products, there will be magical results. Just think, if something was truly that good, wouldn't everyone already know about it and be taking it?
6. You must have the desire to change your body from where it is now. Without desire, you are setting yourself up for failure. You must want your goal bad enough that you are willing to endure some short-term pain to receive these goals.
Link pleasure to working out and pain to missing workouts. You must condition your mind. Stop talking yourself out of going to the gym and start talking yourself into it.
7. During the first couple weeks of an exercise program, you will notice that your scale weight either doesn't change or it may go up a bit. Throw the scale out the window, it doesn't distinguish between fat and muscle, so when you initially gain a bit of muscle at the start, the scale weight will go up. That's a good thing. Over time the scale weight WILL go down.
8. Most people do not like to calorie count, me included. But in order to properly lose body fat, you need to determine your daily energy expenditure or caloric maintenance level.
You then need to reduce your energy consumption to be below your energy output. It's difficult to place a number on how much below your consumption you should go, because everyone is different. A good place to start would be 150-200 calories below your maintenance levels.
Then continue to observe the effects in the mirror to determine if this number needs to be changed.
If you continue to see no results, try reducing your energy consumption to 300 calories below your energy output.
9. Alcoholic beverages are high in calories and low in nutrients. Alcohol increases the body's need for Vitamin B, which is used to metabolize it. At the same time, it impairs the body's ability to use these and other nutrients.
One or two standard-size drinks once in a while will cause no harm in normal, healthy, non-pregnant adults. However, those looking for ways to cut out additional calories to help in their weight loss efforts will be better off reducing their alcohol intake even further.
10. Whatever challenges you face, focus on the future rather than on the past. Instead of worrying about what you failed to accomplish last year, focus on where you want to be and what you want to do. Get a clear mental image of your ideal successful future, and then take whatever action you can to begin moving in that direction. Get your mind, your thoughts, and your mental images on the future.
Weight Loss Tips and Tricks
You hear so many tips and trick about weight loss that it may leave you wondering which tips are the best and which tricks are really tricks?
You hear so many tips and trick about weight loss that it may leave you wondering which tips are the best and which tricks are really tricks? Let's look at how food and exercise affect metabolism and weight loss to help us understand why some of these tips and tricks work or don't work.
Lately you may have heard a lot about low carbohydrate diets and claims that they are working and that people are getting healthier without paying attention to the amount of fat they are eating. You may have even heard that the USDA is looking at changing the food pyramid.
There is a major flaw in the low fat diet plan and scientist are finally having to admit to it. Very little of your bodies Cholesterol comes from diet. Your body manufactures most of your Cholesterol from Carbohydrates. The culprit of turning these carbohydrates into fat is Insulin.
Insulin is vital to life because it regulates blood sugar, controls the storage of fat, regulates the liver’s production of cholesterol, functions as a growth hormone, is important in appetite control, drives the kidneys to retain fluid and much more. It is absolutely essential to life, but too much of a good thing can sometimes cause problems. Too much insulin can cause fat storage, cholesterol production and is caustic to the blood vessels. Insulin, by activating or inhibiting various metabolic pathways, can make us sleepy, hungry, satisfied, dizzy, lightheaded or bloated.
As you age your insulin receptors become less sensitive to insulin so your body overproduces insulin to meet what it thinks is it’s need. By carefully monitoring the types and amount of carbohydrates we eat we can clean up our insulin receptors. Decreased insulin receptor site sensitivity is frequently the problem that Type II Diabetics (Adult Onset Diabetics) have.
Not mixing certain food types is a dietary concept out there now that actually makes some sense. For example it is a fact that if you eat only a fat and a protein together the fat goes right through you. Dietary fat by itself is not the culprit but when you add a carbohydrate to the mix the body will turn the dietary fat into body fat. If you eat a little protein and carbohydrate (Low Fat Diet) together your body will make fat to either store or use for energy depending on your activity level at the time. But why? You didn't eat any fat?!
As an example: After that fat free ice cream cone, your body produced more insulin than it needed because of your plugged insulin receptors. The insulin does what it is supposed to; it lowers your blood sugar level but then there is extra insulin circulating around so it goes to work and turns some fat into cholesterol and stores some fat somewhere else incase you decide to skip supper tonight.
By decreasing your intake of concentrated sweets, like sugar sweetened food and not overeating starches like breads, pasta and potatoes you may keep your body from the overproduction of insulin. Carbohydrates actually have a metabolic affect that make any fat you eat worse for you. Carbohydrates affect the hormone balance in your body to add to depression, lack of energy and mood swings.
Exercise really is the key for healthy weight loss. By increasing the strength and mass of your muscles you are better able to burn calories. Exercise makes the rest of your everyday activities easier therefore burning up more calories not only from the exercise but from having more energy to complete your daily activities. Having that energy is more likely to keep you busy so you think about eating less often.
Not eating 3 hours before bedtime is something you may have heard that will help you loose weight. There is much truth in this too, for more than one reason. We know that if you go to bed shortly after a big meal you don't sleep as well and you also don't have a chance to “work off” your meal but their is also another big factor.
Human Growth Hormone (hgh) is produced at night to help our body build and repair muscle. If you eat a carbohydrate within 2 to 3 hours of sleep time your body will not produce near as much of this hormone.
Exercise first thing in the morning now makes some sense too. If you have not eaten after your evening meal your body in the morning is fasting. If you exercise before breakfast it forces your body to burn fat. It looks like if you followed that exercise with a protein breakfast it would keep you in the “fat burning” (glycogen dominant) phase a little longer.
Quality protein sources like that found in meat, eggs, fish, and nuts is the best and quickest way to build lean body mass when you are part of an exercise program. Lean body mass (muscle) will help you burn calories. Because carbohydrates are what turns dietary fat into body fat it is healthier to avoid the carbohydrates than to avoid the fat because frequently by avoiding naturally occurring fats you also avoiding good quality protein sources.
Protein requirements are figured based on lean body mass so it is difficult to state the requirements. An average sized adult female (about 140 lbs) requirements are 50 grams protein a day but may need to be as high as 75 grams when very active during an exercise program. For an average adult male (about 175-180lbs) is 65 grams and could be as high as 90 grams a day during an exercise program.
Tip on foods to eat and foods to avoid:
All sugar sweetened foods if you are serious about a weight loss program.
As often as possible foods that are all or almost all starch content like potatoes, white bread, and pasta.
Processed foods often have unhealthy fat sources and chemical additives that drag your system down.
All vegetables especially green vegetables raw vegetables and salads.
Meat, eggs, nuts, fish, tofu and beans. Whole grain cereals, pasta and breads.
The carbohydrates you do eat make them from whole foods in their natural state fresh fruit with the skins because the extra fiber will help with the carbohydrate digestion.
Fresh fruits to get your vitamins needed to make you feel good while exercising and taking care of your health.
The looks like it would be a great tool to count the grams of protein and carbohydrates eaten each day.
With this we have come back to the basics again. Eating whole foods in their natural state is always your best bet. Now we can see why our grandparents could eat bacon and eggs for breakfast and still be in great health. By eating certain foods at certain times and with some moderation in what we eat we can eat well and feel great doing it. We can improve our health and emotional well-being while improving our physical body.
Weight Loss Tips After the Birth Of Your Baby
The tips listed below will help you to get back to you ideal weight after the birth of your child.
1) Remember that the best approach to weight loss combines healthy eating and regular exercise. It is important you stay focussed on both these areas.
2) Eat slowly and chew your food well. Put your cutlery down between bites and don't pick them up until you have finished chewing.
3) Instead of putting the food on the table and letting everyone help themselves, serve the food on the plate. Allocate the appropriate amount for each food group.
4) If you feel like snacking, try going for a walk instead. Before you go, have a good drink of water. Hunger is often disguising thirst.
5) If you have a problem with junk food and can't resist the temptation at home, stop the problem at the source. Don't buy any junk food! Or at least limit the amount you buy to one item per week.
6) Eat smaller meals, but more often. A healthy meal will be a lot more satisfying than a packet of chips or a drink.
7) Drink fresh juices instead of soft drinks. This will cut down on your sugar intake, and is a far better alternative than the artificial sweeteners in those diet soft drinks.
8) Set yourself a weight goal and stick to it. Chart your progress and stick it on the fridge. It will be a helpful reminder every time you go in the kitchen.
9) If you do have to go for junk food, try the healthiest option. For example try to get the burger with the most salad on it, or get some salads to accompany the meal.
10) Increase your motivation levels, and stay on track. If your motivation drops, you will find it hard to focus on your goal weight.
1) Remember that the best approach to weight loss combines healthy eating and regular exercise. It is important you stay focussed on both these areas.
2) Eat slowly and chew your food well. Put your cutlery down between bites and don't pick them up until you have finished chewing.
3) Instead of putting the food on the table and letting everyone help themselves, serve the food on the plate. Allocate the appropriate amount for each food group.
4) If you feel like snacking, try going for a walk instead. Before you go, have a good drink of water. Hunger is often disguising thirst.
5) If you have a problem with junk food and can't resist the temptation at home, stop the problem at the source. Don't buy any junk food! Or at least limit the amount you buy to one item per week.
6) Eat smaller meals, but more often. A healthy meal will be a lot more satisfying than a packet of chips or a drink.
7) Drink fresh juices instead of soft drinks. This will cut down on your sugar intake, and is a far better alternative than the artificial sweeteners in those diet soft drinks.
8) Set yourself a weight goal and stick to it. Chart your progress and stick it on the fridge. It will be a helpful reminder every time you go in the kitchen.
9) If you do have to go for junk food, try the healthiest option. For example try to get the burger with the most salad on it, or get some salads to accompany the meal.
10) Increase your motivation levels, and stay on track. If your motivation drops, you will find it hard to focus on your goal weight.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Your Simple Plan for Weight Loss
The math is pretty simple. One pound of fat equals 3500 calories. Want to lose a pound a week? Then you need to consume 3500 calories less per week than you use. That's about 500 calories a day. By cutting out 500 calories a day from your normal daily diet, while keeping your activity level the same, you can lose approximately one pound a week.
All right - that doesn't sound like much, especially if you're more than 25 pounds overweight. Study after study has shown, though, that those people who lose weight gradually - at a rate of 1-2 pounds per week -are far more likely to keep the weight off and maintain a normal weight for a lifetime.
So how much exactly IS 500 calories? If you're going to reduce your daily intake by 500 calories, it helps to know what you need to cut out, right? Here's how easy it is to lose 500 calories a day:
Use milk instead of cream in your coffee. Savings? 50 calories per cup.
Skip the butter on your baked potato. Savings? 100 calories
Drink fruit-flavored water instead of a 16 ounce soda. Savings? 200 calories
Skip the Big Mac and have a salad instead. A Big Mac weighs in at a whopping 460 calories. A fresh salad with a light dressing? Less than 100! Savings? 360 calories
Pass by the bag of potato chips. An average snack size bag of chips has over 300 calories. Savings? 300 calories
Eat your corn on the ear. A 1 cup serving of canned corn has 165 calories. An ear of corn has 85. Savings? 80 calories.
Switch to low-fat cream cheese on your bagel. Savings? 90 calories per ounce.
Love those fries and can't give them up? Swap the skinny fries out for thick steak-cut ones. Thin French fries absorb more oil than the thicker, meatier ones. Savings? 50 calories per 4 ounce serving
If you'd rather look at losing weight from an exercise perspective, you can also lose one pound a week by upping your activity level by 500 calories a day. How easy is that to do? Take a look:
Take a half-hour walk around the park. Aim for a pace that's a little faster than a stroll, but not fast enough to be breathless. Burn: 160 calories.
Get out your bike and take a ride. Tackle a few moderate hills and aim for about five miles total. Burn: 250 calories
Go dancing - and really DANCE. The longer you're out on the floor instead of at the table drinking up high-calorie drinks, the more you'll get out of it. Dancing that makes you breathless and warms up your body will net you a nice calorie savings. Burn: 400 calories for one hour
Swimming is great for you, and a lot of fun, too. The water resistance means you burn more calories, and you avoid the stress impact on joints from aerobics, dancing or walking. Do a few laps at a slow crawl - if you can get up to an hour you'll be doing great! Burn: 510 calories
Get out into your garden. An hour of gardening tasks that includes bending and stretching can burn up to as many calories as a brisk walk. Burn: 250 calories.
Play a game of tennis. Hook up with a friend for a weekly tennis game and you'll be amazed at the difference. One hour of vigorous tennis is one of the best calorie burners around. Burn: 800 calories
It’s important to keep in mind that all exercise/calorie numbers are based on a woman weighing 130 pounds. If you weigh more, you'll burn more. Want an added bonus to burning calories through exercise? When you exercise, you build muscle by converting it from fat. Three guesses which kind of body tissue burns more calories - even when you're not exercising. You got it - your body uses more energy to maintain and feed muscle than it does fat.
For best results, mix and match food savings with exercises that burn calories. Do keep in mind that eating less than 1000 calories a day for more than a few days will convince your body that it's starving and slow your metabolism. Keep calorie ranges reasonable, and consult a doctor if you want a quicker, more drastic weight loss.
Your Weight Loss Problem: How-To Cure It By Watching Movies
Is it possible that you could actually lose weight while watching your favorite shows or reading your favorite books? YES, it is! Read this article to find out how...
I don’t know anything about you but if you’re anything like me then you struggle with a weight loss problem. Your weight loss problem consists of you struggling to keep your weight down, or struggling to make your weight go down.
Most people who see me wouldn’t believe that I have a weight loss problem, but I do. I’ve battled bulimia and constant gains and losses in weight, of ten pounds each time. Thats what I call a big weight loss problem.
A lot of women and men with the same or a similar weight loss problem would sympathize with me I’m sure. I want to look good (who doesn’t?) so that always motivates me to go on a diet.
But after sticking to a diet for a week and dropping the unwanted weight my love for good tasting food overpowers my need to feel attractive and the weight piles back on pound by pound.
There is always exercise to help with a weight loss problem, I remind myself as I lie lazily on the couch chomping down on one of my non-diet treats. “Sure!” I groan “I don’t feel like wearing my butt out without seeing any results for weeks at a time.”
Whenever I start a workout regimen I only stick to it for a few weeks (usually less) and then I get bored and drop it. So my weight loss problem continues.
How many other women I wondered (or men, for that matter) get bored while exercising? I thought about that for awhile then I set about to find a solution to help all those poor people (and myself too, of course) with this weight loss problem.
First I asked myself: What did I like to do? What did I find Interesting?
“Hmmmm, well” I thought “I like dancing, but long periods of it are exhausting. I like to read, to listen to music, and I really dislike being on my feet for over long periods of time.
What could possibly combine all or most of these to make my exercising interesting and help solve my weight loss problem?
The solution to my weight loss problem was amazingly simple!
I own an old stationary bike, and I do mean OLD, but the important thing is that it operates. You can do this with any form of stationary bike, whether it’s a twenty year old model or an up to date model.
It doesn’t matter whether you own the stationary bike or use a gym’s or your local YMCA’s or YWCA’s facilities.
My weight loss problem solution is this:
Find something engrossing to read. It could be a novel or your favorite magazine. Or listen to music that you enjoy, you could even use audio books or any different CD’s or things you could listen to.
I suppose if your bike was somewhere around a television or computer with a DVD player, you could even watch your favorite movie.
The next step is to mount your stationary bide and start biking while reading or doing any of the above listed activities, and not to get off for at least 45 to 60 minutes, except for an occasional rest every quarter of an hour.
I usually just keep biking away the whole time and sometimes I bike longer because I’m so engrossed in what I’m reading, and I won’t allow myself to read it once I’m off the stationary bike.
After a week of this, without change in my eating habits, or any dieting, I’m maintaining a healthy weight. Best of all I’m not putting on any new pounds, and my legs look visibly slimmer.
So I've kissed my weight loss problem goodbye, and I'm saying hello to slim jeans and size 6 dresses, and you can too.
For the first time in a long while I actually look forward to putting on a bikini.
I don’t know anything about you but if you’re anything like me then you struggle with a weight loss problem. Your weight loss problem consists of you struggling to keep your weight down, or struggling to make your weight go down.
Most people who see me wouldn’t believe that I have a weight loss problem, but I do. I’ve battled bulimia and constant gains and losses in weight, of ten pounds each time. Thats what I call a big weight loss problem.
A lot of women and men with the same or a similar weight loss problem would sympathize with me I’m sure. I want to look good (who doesn’t?) so that always motivates me to go on a diet.
But after sticking to a diet for a week and dropping the unwanted weight my love for good tasting food overpowers my need to feel attractive and the weight piles back on pound by pound.
There is always exercise to help with a weight loss problem, I remind myself as I lie lazily on the couch chomping down on one of my non-diet treats. “Sure!” I groan “I don’t feel like wearing my butt out without seeing any results for weeks at a time.”
Whenever I start a workout regimen I only stick to it for a few weeks (usually less) and then I get bored and drop it. So my weight loss problem continues.
How many other women I wondered (or men, for that matter) get bored while exercising? I thought about that for awhile then I set about to find a solution to help all those poor people (and myself too, of course) with this weight loss problem.
First I asked myself: What did I like to do? What did I find Interesting?
“Hmmmm, well” I thought “I like dancing, but long periods of it are exhausting. I like to read, to listen to music, and I really dislike being on my feet for over long periods of time.
What could possibly combine all or most of these to make my exercising interesting and help solve my weight loss problem?
The solution to my weight loss problem was amazingly simple!
I own an old stationary bike, and I do mean OLD, but the important thing is that it operates. You can do this with any form of stationary bike, whether it’s a twenty year old model or an up to date model.
It doesn’t matter whether you own the stationary bike or use a gym’s or your local YMCA’s or YWCA’s facilities.
My weight loss problem solution is this:
Find something engrossing to read. It could be a novel or your favorite magazine. Or listen to music that you enjoy, you could even use audio books or any different CD’s or things you could listen to.
I suppose if your bike was somewhere around a television or computer with a DVD player, you could even watch your favorite movie.
The next step is to mount your stationary bide and start biking while reading or doing any of the above listed activities, and not to get off for at least 45 to 60 minutes, except for an occasional rest every quarter of an hour.
I usually just keep biking away the whole time and sometimes I bike longer because I’m so engrossed in what I’m reading, and I won’t allow myself to read it once I’m off the stationary bike.
After a week of this, without change in my eating habits, or any dieting, I’m maintaining a healthy weight. Best of all I’m not putting on any new pounds, and my legs look visibly slimmer.
So I've kissed my weight loss problem goodbye, and I'm saying hello to slim jeans and size 6 dresses, and you can too.
For the first time in a long while I actually look forward to putting on a bikini.
You're Being Lied to About Weight Loss
Here are some of the blatant weight loss lies being thrown at unsuspecting consumers.
Well, here it is, late night TV and I'm flipping through the channels trying to find something good to watch.
As I'm surfing the tube, I notice a huge amount of weight loss infomercials.
And you know what, most of them literally make me sick to my stomach.
Not because I despise TV, but because I can't stand it when companies blatantly lie to unsuspecting consumers and make MILLIONS in the process doing it.
But as I continue to promote the truth about weight loss with my personal training business and my fitness website, the truth is muddled in the sea of confusion that's created by companies throwing weight loss solutions at consumers 24/7.
The companies pushing these bogus products will continue to make millions as I continue to fight an uphill battle, trying to shed some light for people as to what it really takes to lose weight and get in shape.
Am I bitter that these companies are making millions?
Am I bitter that they're doing it at the expense of people who really are unsure of the best way to go about losing weight and getting their health back?
I know firsthand what it really takes to lose a lot of weight and get in great shape.
And not once was it from an "Ab Stimulator Belt" you wear at work or from a "Fat-Loss Patch" you place on your arm.
Nor was it from a "Magic Juice Drink" you sip for 2 days straight while not eating another morsel of food.
And now that I think about it, it also wasn't from Coral Calcium or Metabo-Super-Fat-Burning-and-Crime-Fighting Pills.
It sure wasn't from an "Ab-Crunch-Whatever-You-Call-It", you know, the torture machine you use for 3 minutes while watching TV and are supposed to lose 20 pounds in a week.
But as I continue to watch these commercials like a deer caught in the headlights, I almost fall for the best marketing money can buy--the "pictures-never-lie" testimonials.
You know, the old "before and after" photos (as hard as I looked, I couldn't see the airbrushing).
Hey, if it's in a picture, its gotta be true!
And right before I catch myself reaching for the phone to order (chuckle, chuckle) I ask myself "Why is it these types of commercials clutter the TV mostly at night or on Saturday morning?"
Is that when the most gullible tend to watch a lot of these blatant lies and scam products being peddled to them?
Who knows, but Letterman is on and I need to change the channel before I get any sicker to my stomach.
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