Often tells us to exercise expert fitness aerobics exercises .. But Do you know the benefits?
Of the diverse benefits of aerobics exercises are:
- Raising the rate of calcium in the bones
- Raising the rate of beneficial cholesterol in the blood.
- Raising the ability to withstand the heat of the atmosphere.
- Raising the rate of hemoglobin and the prevention of anemia.
- Raise the body's ability to withstand the cold weather.
- Raise morale.
- Lower blood pressure.
- To reduce the body's need for insulin.
- To reduce the rate of transformation of sugar into fat.
- Increase the access of oxygen to the brain.
- Increase the access of oxygen to the lungs.
- Increased fat burning enzymes in the body.
- Support the ability to control hunger.
- Reduce the rate of fat in the body.
- To reduce tension and aggressive behavior.
- Increased muscle mass in the body.
- Raising the ability to exercise for a longer period.
- Stimulate the rate of burning calories in the body (Meta Boleezzm).
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